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This directory is self managed and verifications are done by administrators to validate that the registrations are done by an actual person. Informations that are marked as private will not be shown in the directory. Each member’s personal profile will contain piloting information including their personalised QR code. This directory is arranged by the most recent registrations.

This directory is self managed and verifications are done by administrators to validate that the registrations are done by an actual person. Informations that are marked as private will not be shown in the directory. Each member’s personal profile will contain piloting information including their personalised QR code. This directory is arranged by the most recent registrations.

Total Records Found: 81, showing 10 per page
NameNicknameStateCountryCertificationProfile Photo
ROZHAN BIN HJ YAHAYA Ann Penang Malaysia Trainee Pilot
Omkar Kuala Lumpur India Intermediate Pilot
Brian Cham Brian Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Trainee Pilot
Michael Ross Michael Ross Germany
BrandonSeide BrandonSeide Indonesia
NURUL NAJWA BINTI AZMAN Ewaa comeyyy Terengganu Malaysia
Freddy VERDON Freddy France Beginner Pilot
AMira mad rashid Amira binti mad rashid Miera Terengganu Malaysia
Wan Nurdini binti Wan Mohd Asri Dini Terengganu Malaysia
Total Records Found: 81, showing 10 per page
NameStateCountryProfile Photo
Yusmar Yahaya Selangor Malaysia